Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Important Considerations for Lawn Aeration

You are conserving the environment in a way when you have a lawn maintained around your home. Of all landscaping ideas, one of the basic and easiest to maintain is a lawn. Not only does it have a calming effect on the home, but the sprawling lawn adds to property value too! 

By following a few tips explained in home improvement write for us blog you can flaunt a well-maintained open space around the home all year-round. The soil in the lawn needs to be fed with oxygen and this is where lawn aeration comes into the picture. 

If grass on the lawn is left on its own, without any treatment, it will deteriorate and could get infested with disease. Spots that are brown in color appear all over the garden area, making it look very unkempt. Some of the other investments to be made to retain and enhance soil quality include soil pH monitoring, mulching, watering, fertilizer application, aeration, weeding, dethaching, etc.

By increasing the supply of oxygen to the soil, the open space around the home could be well-maintained. Aeration helps to cure infiltration of water, thatching and over or under compaction of the soil cover. 

Nutrients in the soil are activated and the roots develop and grow well when sufficient oxygen is made available to the lower layers and roots of grass and the plants. Water within the soil gets absorbed in a better way when the lawn is aerated. Core segments of the soil beds can be removed by using metal rods and the holes thus formed in the lawn can be used for the purpose of aeration and soil treatment.

An important tool for aerating the soil is a lawn aerator. Both, the power aerator's as well as the manually operated ones, are effective. Hollow pipes and mechanical devices are readily available for core removal, which needs to be addressed at specific intervals. As compared to manual aerator's, the power aerator's are comparatively bigger. There are also solid tine aerator's, core aerator's as well as spike aerator's for you to invest in.

Once, the grass is planted, lawn aeration needs to be addressed within twelve months. Depending upon the growth of the lawn, aeration can be planned. Holes can be filled with compost or peat moss and leveled with the help of a rake. If the lawn has compact soil, the lawn should be aerated at least two to three times a year. Fall and spring time is the best for aerating the open space around the home. During summer time grass-growth is not very noteworthy and hence the lawn should not be aerated too often at the time. A day prior to the aeration process, make sure the lawn is watered well.

Lawn Aeration plays a huge role into a great looking yard. It is not an easy task though. At Barron's Lawn Service, our highly trained team can take care of your lawn aeration needs. We have the knowledge and expertise to get your yard looking in tip top shape.

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